After updating Statamic to 1.10.2, I started getting Mcrypt errors. After some Googling, I found some complicated fixes. After some noodling around, here’s a simple way to fix it with Homebrew:

First, figure out which version of PHP you’re running. You can do this by opening up Terminal, and running the following command:

> php -v

I happen to be using PHP 5.5.21 locally, so I’ll use that in my examples. Next, tap the homebrew/php cask:

> brew tap homebrew/php

This next step is sort of optional. You can search for which versions of mcrypt is available to make sure it matches your version of PHP:

> brew search mcrypt

Like I said earlier, I’m running PHP 5.5.21. Make sure you install the version that corresponds with your version of PHP.

> brew install php55-mcrypt

That last command took several minutes to install it on my machine. After it is installed, restart the server, and you should be good to go!